Biography — Deborah Bowen


In each painting, Deborah develops a beautiful, complex surface that reveals her voice. She is a non-objective, abstract painter. She wants the viewer to see a balanced painting with compelling color and a clear value pattern. She invites the viewer closer to see what is barely visible on the painting’s surface.There is history in the layers of paint, mark and line, recording the discoveries made while creating the painting.

Deborah’s art is process driven. She has no planned idea of what the painting will be. It is in the making that the direction to completion will be made clear. Each stroke points the way to the next. When a mark is made, a decision is needed to determine the consequent move.

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Deborah hopes that her paintings will invite a conversation with the viewer, where a connection happens and where the viewer can fall beneath the painting’s surface and explore the road to its creation.

Deborah’s pursuit of art began after retirement from a 26 year career in dental hygiene. She began painting landscapes in oils and pastels. The next challenge was two years of breast cancer treatment. This led to the need to move forward and not go back to the way life was before cancer. Since then, Deborah has been devouring non objective abstract painting. Painting abstractly is completely fulfilling Deborah’s need to let what is inside her out! Her preference is to use oils mixed with the buttery texture of cold wax medium.

Deborah studied art at Grand Valley State University, has mentored with Pamela Caughey and Jane Davies. Her paintings are in private, corporate and university collections. She participates in juried shows and has been the recipient of many awards.